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If you want to run, practice martial arts, walk for long periods, swim, and even dance, you need a body that is strong and mobile


I'm not talking about bodybuilding strong or contortionist mobile. I am saying strong enough to feel your glutes working when walking upstairs. Or mobile enough to know when your hips are tight and need some oiling


When you mobilise your body you are giving your body exactly what it wants. Your joints and muscles don't want to be stiff, they want length and room to move in all the ways they are supposed to


Simplistic yes, but that's what it's all about. Hips and shoulders want to move in more directions than knees and elbows​

Inchworm to cobra
Downward facing dog


More than often we think we need to be much much better than we are when that's not working with where we are at. Create a bit more strength and a bit more mobility bit by bit

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